Coming off prozac
(too old to reply)
18 years ago
Hi everyone,

New here and am looking forward to recieving your help.

I had been on prozac for a little over two years and have been prozac free
for almost 5 weeks. My daily dose was 40 mg a day, my Dr. lowered it to 20
for 1 week and then to 10 for the next week and then none. Ok like I said
its been 5 weeks since I've had any prozac, at first (the first week or
so) it was great!! I was so full of life and happy nothing could bring me
down,,, Now is another story I am extremly moody, I want to cry all the
time, and I feel like all my emotions are on over drive I am almost to the
point to go back on meds just to numb the emotions. My question is, is this
normal withdrawal symptons and if so how long do they last??? Thanks NS
18 years ago
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good luck!!!
18 years ago
hi NS:

i was on prozac for 11 years and went off in the summer of 2001. it
took me 3.5 years to turn the corner but i did everything wrong in
trying to live successfully without antidepressants. if i knew then
what i know now, it would have taken a fraction of the time. i have no
idea how long it will take for you as this is completely determined by
how you address this issue. you need to have a serious plan when off
of prozac to deal with all of the physiological and emotional side
effects. you can't just expect for life to be great (like it was the
first week). prozac really messes with our bodies and our minds. it
is a major transition. the most important thing is to have a plan to
deal with life, post-prozac. you need to ask yourself: what is my plan
to feel better, to deal with the sadness, to deal with the depleted
seratonin levels? how badly do i want to be off prozac? how am i
going to structure my life to deal with this and turn things around?
do i fully understand how my thoughts are impacting my reality?

after years of MAJOR pain, i made the successful transition off of
prozac and life has never been better. i don't say this to brag but to
let people know that it can be done. i believe that former
antidepressant users (such as myself) have to deal with this our entire

18 years ago
Hey there,

I have been on Prozac for a LONG time. I am at 80 MG. They tried to get
me off it onces to start something else, but the withdraw symtoms were
really rather bad. It seems that the addiction factor was hidden when
the test results were give to the FDA from what I have heard.

It was so bad that my head would hear a popping sound, and I was very
uneasy all the time. When I was told to go back on it, they went away.

So, I suppose that I am addicted. Thats not a very good feeling.

